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2016 Beach Volleyball Summer Training

General Information


Season Duration:  June 13th, 2016 through July 29th, 2016

Days:  Mondays and Wednesdays

Times:  8am - 10am

Location:  Lakefront Park, 1104 Lakeshore Blvd, St. Cloud, FL 34769


Age Divisions:  10U - 18U (Boys & Girls)


AAU Membership is required but not included    

(click here to apply for AAU Membership)


Nona Sports AAU Club Code:    WW6B89



Cost / Payment Options:


Full Season:  $550.00

(2-payment plan available:  $275 by June 13th & $275 by July 1st)

June only:  $300.00

July only:  $300.00


1. Players must wear appropriate athletic attire.

2. Players must bring their own water, sunscreen, snacks, etc.

3. Players must be picked up on time by 10am.

Any inquiries, please text any of the following:

Coach Willie - 787-614-7826

Coach Ricardo - 407-928-5771

Coach Leo - 407-334-0323













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